Drop knee Tai Otoshi

How To Throw An Opponent With Drop Knee Tai-Otoshi

Welcome to the our guide to throwing an  opponent with Drop Knee Tai-Otoshi

What Is Tai-Otoshi?

Tai-Otoshi can be described as body drop throw.

It is classed as Te waza (hand technique) and was developed by the founder of Judo Jigoro Kano.

In this guide, we will teach you an advanced version of Tai-Otoshi called as drop knee tai-otoshi that is used by many elite level judokas as it has proved to be a very useful technique in competition scenarios.

Ready? Let’s do this.

Basics of Drop Knee Tai Otoshi

In this technique, the most effective when the kumi kata is kenka yotsu ( opposite side griping). Tori grips one hand on collar grip near the chest and the other hand on the sleeve grip near the wrist to generate maximum turning at the time of throwing.

As tori holds right side kumikata, the right leg will be in front and as soon as tori feels uke’s push towards him, tori jumps down by dropping his left knee near uke’s left foot. Tori’s right leg goes across uke’ leg. While rotating and entering into the sitting position tori needs to keep right grip elbow upwards and sleeve grip pulling close to the body to create the required off- balancing and execute the throw.

Key Points

  1. Collar grip should always be below uke’s grip and elbow should be pointing upwards during the throw.
  2. Sleeve grip should be near uke’s wrist.
  3. While dropping on the knee, make sure to not sit close to your partner to not lose your own balance while throwing.
  4. Do not block uke with your hip while in the sitting position.
  5. Also ensure to not block/lock uke’s leg and keep your feet away from his legs during execution of throw.

Also you can have a look at your video below for better understanding.


Drop knee Tai- Otoshi is a technique taught to judokas who have been practicing for a good amount of time and should be taught under proper guidance.

By mastering the above key points you will find your technique to be far more effective.

Thank you.